Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Between the Assassinations by Arvind Adiga

Arvind Adiga is a writer of strong characterization,Between the Assassinations again proves his story is worth to read for the characterization.

The stories are set in the Eighties between the assassinations of Indira and Rajiv Gandhi, and are framed by extracts from an imagined guidebook to Kittur, a city on India’s south-western coast, set between Goa and Calicut.The week in question takes place apparently in 1990, six years after the killing of Indira Gandhi, one year before the assassination of her son.

This lightness characterises much of the life in Kittur, the citizens, particularly the dispossessed, may see their lives in tragic terms, but Adiga’s sense of a great Indian comedy is never far away. His limber structure allows him to shift in tone from a devastating account of a pair of children sent out on to the streets to beg to service the crack habit of their father, who will do anything to escape the misery of labour on a construction site, to a Just William kind of tale about a class of pupils sent to view an educational film at a porn cinema, Angel Talkies.

Between the Assassinations is a collection of linked short stories, not a novel, but it is a page-turner none the less.

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