Friday, April 23, 2010

Lessons in Forgetting by Anita Nair

Some times it’s really hard to forget the past and move towards future because past is the mirror which always shows what you have turned into your present.This is the story which throw a stone of hope and smash the mirror of past,so that we can start again

Meera’s husband, Giri, has deserted her in a crumbling, once charming bungalow in Bangalore where she is surrounded by the pained and watchful concern of her ageing mother and grandmother and a young uncomprehending son. Minutes after Giri has walked out, however, Meera meets cyclone expert, Jak, returned to India from an American university to investigate a set of mysterious events that have led to his nineteen-year-old daughter lying in a comatose condition, her face frozen in a grimace, her fingers curled as if continuing to fight the ghastly experience that has led to her catatonic state.

The theme turns life and cyclone comparable,that’s the truth about this book which is very dark but in filmy style, Meera does manage to stay on her feet in the absence of Giri. She finds a job, manages her responsibilities as a mother and a daughter and slowly accepts that life has more to offer, even though she does not know what exactly is in store for her.

The narrative is great and Nair is able to pull the chord in her first book itself.Just grab this book for a great read and learn to live again :)

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