If this Shloka from Sanskrit and philosphy behind it ever fasinated you and you are not well versed with Sanskrit or Hindi,but you like to grasp the meaning of The Bhagvad Gita than this book has most relevant translation.
Translated by a great Sanskrit scholar Juan Mascaro ,this book produced a relevant answers to your quires about philosophy which make Arjun to fight against his own fore father.
Meaning : O Bharata! Whenever there is fall in righteousness & rise in unrighteousness, then I manifest myself in this world.
” You have to fight anyway the only choice is from which side – Good or Bad”.We have read this things many times but why we have to fight no body has given a relevant answer to this question.But in Gita you will find whole bunch of explanation about all the worldly and spiritual things.
“There is no wisdom for a man without harmony, and without harmony there is no contemplation. Without contemplation there cannot be peace, and without peace can there be joy?”
Meaning : O Partha! When a person roots out all the desires in his mind, and is totally satisfied in himself and by himself then he is known as ‘Sthitha Pragnya’, a man of steady wisdom.
So if you like to become a man of steady wisdom just read it.
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