The close up and long shots during gun fight with music of Ennio Morricone,makes every scene of this movie front runner for best movie by Sergio Leon.Clintwood as half gangster and half cowboy made his performance and style a standard for western movie.
For a Few Dollars More (1965):-Sholay clearly inspired from this movie.The looks of Gabbar Singh clearly taken from this villain of this movie. Tagline again,“The man with no name is back… The man in black is waiting! As if one wasn’t enough . . . as if death needed a double!”
The main attraction is comptition between Man with no name to Man in black to catch a most wanted fugitive.That’s how movie grows into a epic of adventure which will take your breath away in last gun fight scene. Again music is the most powerful weapon of this flick.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966):-The most successful western movie ever made.It has been described as European cinema’s best representation of the Western genre film, and Quentin Tarantino has called it “the best-directed film of all time.”
There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend: Those with a rope around the neck, and the people who have the job of doing the cutting.
Enjoy these westerns and you will be see it again and again.
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